From: Armando Mei
Hi Walter,
I'd like to suggest you my theory about the Zep Tepi (Ancient Egypt to define the Golden Age of the Gods Rule). I'm very interested to your opinion about that. I'm sure you are very busy at moment, but I'll wait for you.
By proof. Lloyd Knutson I sent this manuscript to the Smithsonian Institute of Washington also.
By the software Starry Night Pro 6.2.3 I note that the perfect alignment between the Belt of Orion and the Pyramids of Giza, at the Vernal Equinox, occurred in the 36.420BC. when the Meridian cut the star Alnitak (Great Pyramid) and not in the 10.500 BC (Bauval's Theory) when the meridian cut the star Mintaka (Mycerinus Pyramid). In the alignment I suggest, Sirius is over the horizon near the Belt of Orion (in the Bauval's alignment Sirius is not present).
The mathematical process and the astronomical alignment you find in my theory have the same result: 36.000 BC.
Thank you
All the best
From: Walter Cruttenden
Hi Armando - I will print it out and try to read it soon. Thanks - looks interesting.
Incidentally, the pinnacle of the last Golden Age according to Yukteswar and the Vedic school was 11,500 BC. If you use a variable precession rate (which is closer to reality than Starry Night or other "fixed" precession programs) it will skew calculations by around a thousand years or so. The pinnacle of the Golden Age prior to that (in the prior precession cycle) would have been 35,500 BC.
Also, the date is marked by the "Autumnal Equinox" in Aires. In other words, the last time the Autumnal Equinox was in Aires was about 13000 years ago and prior to that 37,000 years ago.
Another point to consider is the motion of Sirius. Starry Night assumes that it moves like any other star where in fact Sirius seems to follow the Sun and ignores the clock of precession. There is very good evidence for this (see Jed Buchwald at Caltech [note the second diagram]). Consequently, this star is not always to the lower left of Orion's Belt (as we look at it from earth). Sirius seems to act like a crossing star that moves different from all other stars. Bauval was not aware of this fact.
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