Ellie Sand
Controversy surrounding the Pyramids at Güimar is not a new thing. For years, experts have been arguing whether the steps of lava stone were just random placements by local farmers as they cleared the land, or whether they were the step formations of pyramids. After all, just like the cultures of Egypt and South America, the Guanche's mummified their dead. The Guanche's are thought to have originated from North African Berber region which is estimated to have been inhabited by the Berbers as far back as 3,000 BC. This region covers Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. They had their own religion. In fact the term ‘Berber' is derived from the Roman word for barbarians and defined non-Arabic tribes. The location of the Berbers/Guanches in North Africa could suggest that there is a link between them and Egypt and therefore it is likely that they would have had some knowledge of the great pyramids of Egypt.There are two main schools of thought regarding similarities found in different cultures. The question is whether those cultures have had contact in the past or whether they developed their similarities independently. Take the bow and arrow for example. Many cultures of the past used the bow and arrow, from medieval England to the jungles of South America. The boomerang is another example. Both the Aboriginal nation of Australia and the ancient Eyptian's used the boomerang. Did they have a common origin or did they develop this tool independently? You see the dilemma here? Did the Guanches build pyramids and mummify their dead as a result of knowledge of ancient Egypt; knowledge that we no longer have? Or did they do this from an independent source of knowledge? Or, in fact, did they build the pyramids at all? Or are they just a pile of lava stones dumped there by local farmers?
Phil Coppens and Sam Semir Osmanagich, two eminent specialists on the subject of pyramids have recently visited Tenerife. Their lecture on 24th of January was insightful and packed with information and intelligent conclusions.
Phil Coppens, is an investigative journalist and author of a number of books including Land of the Gods and The New Pyramid Age and is Editor in Chief of the Dutch magazine Frontier (http://www.phillipcoppens.com/) .
Phil Coppens spoke about the many pyramids that are located around the globe, and included little known pyramids like these in Italy. In fact, this formation conforms to the same shape as those on the Giza plateau, which mirror the three stars in the Belt of the constellation of Orion. But have your heard of these?
His study of a variety of pyramids located around the globe had indicated a number of similarities, including a ‘vault' or cave located beneath these structures and that the corners of the pyramid point to the four cardinal direction of North, South, East and West or to the solstices.. He sites numerous examples of pyramids with this anomaly and has reported that his initial conclusions were that the pyramids at Güimar were in fact genuine, being aligned to the summer solstice and having a ‘cave' beneath its structure. It is also reported by the University of La Laguna that Dr. Heyerdahl is correct in that the stones are not randomly piled up but are in fact deliberately turned with the flat side out. Thor Heyerdahl's expressed wish was that no theory should be forced on visitors to Guimar. In fact the symbol of the exhibit is a question mark leaving each to draw his or her own conclusions.
The case of the Bosnian Pyramid is raising more questions every day. When I first heard that someone was going to give a talk on the Bosnian Pyramids, I must admit that I was sceptical. However, having listened to the talk by Semir Osmanagich I am left in no doubt that what he has found is a genuine pyramid. It is the largest pyramid known to exist standing some 220 metres high and is aligned to the four cardinal points. However, it is presently covered by woodland.
Historian Osmanagich discovered the pyramids while studying the Visoko valley of Bosnia and Herzegovina using satellite, topography, thermal and radar analysis of the country in an attempt to locate anomalies in the landscape and has discovered 9 unusual hills that do not conform to the typical landscape. Five of these have been located in the Visoko region. Further analysis of three of these anomalies has shown paved footways and roads, and a huge network of interconnecting tunnels beneath these pyramids. Coping and corner stones have been exposed, and artefacts have been discovered (http://www.samosmanagich.com/) .
There is little doubt that Osmanagich is onto something and at the end of the day, when one looks at all the evidence (and there is much) one has to conclude that Semir Osmanagich has discovered the first pyramid in Europe and possibly the largest man-made structure found so far on the face of the planet.
Not surprisingly, critics have come forward to denounce Osmanagich's work, but this does not distract or concern him as he keeps his focus on uncovering these extraordinary monuments. If Semir is right, and all the evidence so far would indicate that he is, then the history books will have to be re-written. This, of course, is so often the issue with ‘experts' who would rather that we leave the past we cannot explain buried, where no one will ask questions and the established ‘time line' of history will not be challenged. And so the dilemma arises as to whether we choose to ignore discoveries such as Osmanagich's in favour of believing in what is, essentially a very narrow and mostly incorrect view of our past; or whether we dare to look at such discoveries and question our perception of the history of humankind on this planet. We should never forget, in our quest for the truth, that those who do not study the past are condemned to repeat it.
Phil Coppens and Sam Semir Osmanagich, two eminent specialists on the subject of pyramids have recently visited Tenerife. Their lecture on 24th of January was insightful and packed with information and intelligent conclusions.
Phil Coppens, is an investigative journalist and author of a number of books including Land of the Gods and The New Pyramid Age and is Editor in Chief of the Dutch magazine Frontier (http://www.phillipcoppens.com/) .
Phil Coppens spoke about the many pyramids that are located around the globe, and included little known pyramids like these in Italy. In fact, this formation conforms to the same shape as those on the Giza plateau, which mirror the three stars in the Belt of the constellation of Orion. But have your heard of these?
His study of a variety of pyramids located around the globe had indicated a number of similarities, including a ‘vault' or cave located beneath these structures and that the corners of the pyramid point to the four cardinal direction of North, South, East and West or to the solstices.. He sites numerous examples of pyramids with this anomaly and has reported that his initial conclusions were that the pyramids at Güimar were in fact genuine, being aligned to the summer solstice and having a ‘cave' beneath its structure. It is also reported by the University of La Laguna that Dr. Heyerdahl is correct in that the stones are not randomly piled up but are in fact deliberately turned with the flat side out. Thor Heyerdahl's expressed wish was that no theory should be forced on visitors to Guimar. In fact the symbol of the exhibit is a question mark leaving each to draw his or her own conclusions.
The case of the Bosnian Pyramid is raising more questions every day. When I first heard that someone was going to give a talk on the Bosnian Pyramids, I must admit that I was sceptical. However, having listened to the talk by Semir Osmanagich I am left in no doubt that what he has found is a genuine pyramid. It is the largest pyramid known to exist standing some 220 metres high and is aligned to the four cardinal points. However, it is presently covered by woodland.
Historian Osmanagich discovered the pyramids while studying the Visoko valley of Bosnia and Herzegovina using satellite, topography, thermal and radar analysis of the country in an attempt to locate anomalies in the landscape and has discovered 9 unusual hills that do not conform to the typical landscape. Five of these have been located in the Visoko region. Further analysis of three of these anomalies has shown paved footways and roads, and a huge network of interconnecting tunnels beneath these pyramids. Coping and corner stones have been exposed, and artefacts have been discovered (http://www.samosmanagich.com/) .
There is little doubt that Osmanagich is onto something and at the end of the day, when one looks at all the evidence (and there is much) one has to conclude that Semir Osmanagich has discovered the first pyramid in Europe and possibly the largest man-made structure found so far on the face of the planet.
Not surprisingly, critics have come forward to denounce Osmanagich's work, but this does not distract or concern him as he keeps his focus on uncovering these extraordinary monuments. If Semir is right, and all the evidence so far would indicate that he is, then the history books will have to be re-written. This, of course, is so often the issue with ‘experts' who would rather that we leave the past we cannot explain buried, where no one will ask questions and the established ‘time line' of history will not be challenged. And so the dilemma arises as to whether we choose to ignore discoveries such as Osmanagich's in favour of believing in what is, essentially a very narrow and mostly incorrect view of our past; or whether we dare to look at such discoveries and question our perception of the history of humankind on this planet. We should never forget, in our quest for the truth, that those who do not study the past are condemned to repeat it.
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