From: []
We are very interested to this Conference. We’ll publish our book: Giza: le Piramidi satellite ed il Codice Segreto (Giza: The Satellite Pyramids and the Secret Code, The book contains our theory about the historical date of the Zep Tepi. A mathematical process fixes the Time of Osiris.
We have added the link of the International Conference in our blog (
We are very glady to receive more news about the conference to publish on our blog,
We’d like to ask you if you can added our blog on your site, to share more information about antiquities.
Thank you
Armando Mei & Nico Moretto
This is our solution of the mystery of the First Time! We propose that it was in fact a part of the reasons of builders in establishing their “Time Capsule”. That is, they wanted to give a date to their works and their time capsule. Above all, they wanted to celebrate the date of their origins.
All the best
Hello Armando and Nico - Thank you for the link.
What is the date you find for Zep Tepi? How do you define the "first Time"? What was it like - and why?
Walter Cruttenden
From: []
Hi Walter,
Many conjectures have been made concerning the monumental complex of Giza. One of the most outstanding theories is that proposed by Robert Bauval known as “The Correlation Theory”.
Still unsolved remains the dispute over the “Zep Tepi” (ancient Egyptian for the “First Time of Osiris” i.e. the period of time of the Gods Rule). While academics agree to confine its purpose to mythology, we believe that their position conflicts with the long lists of sovereigns found so accurately transcribed in Egyptian documents and temples.
In our opinion, the pyramids of Giza originally were built to document and communicate the scientific knowledge of a pre-historical and unknown society. And the Satellite Pyramids had a key role. We believe that in the course of time the initial purpose of the pyramids changed and the constructions were turned into pharaos’ tombs. This would give some credibility to the reasoning of academics, while restoring the initial role of the monuments of Giza.
The key is a date fixed by a mathematical process: 36,900
Armando & Nico
Hi Armando and Nico - Thanks for the date. I assume you mean 36,900 years ago or 34,900 B.C. ? That is a long time ago! In my book, Lost Star of Myth and Time, I describe a Golden Age that occurred around 11,500 B.C. According to Yuga cycles as propounded by Sri Yukteswar and others there would also have been a Golden Age in the time period you suggest (24,000 years before 11,500 B.C.). Unfortunately, we can't find too much evidence of such a time as even exposed rock temples would completely erode in about 10,000 years if left exposed to the elements. Nonetheless, the Greek and Vedic cultures imply that civilization far exceeds current estimates.
Dear Walter,
thank you very much for your reply.
I assume you mean 36,900 years ago or 34,900 B.C. ?
36.900 BC…
The Royal Canon, found in Egypt in 1822 by Bernardino Drovetti, contains a long list of the sovereigns (gods, demigods and kings) that supposedly had been ruling Egypt over a period of circa 33,000 years before the First Dynasty (3,100 BC). Our proposal is that it was conceived for historic purposes, that is, it was meant to pass on the chronology of the kings. Perhaps the content of the document was at first inspired by a novel historical source and then handed down orally. This would explain possible discrepancies of actual lines of succession.
Unfortunately, we can't find too much evidence of such a time as even exposed rock temples would completely erode in about 10,000 years if left exposed to the elements.
We don’t agree. It is undeniable that “academic” Egyptology has greatly contributed to our knowledge of a unique and incomparable civilization, incredibly developed both socially and artistically. Unfortunately, academic Egyptologists have also persisted in misattributing some archaeological finds to the Egyptians, which we believe have little to do with this civilization. This has created confusion among researchers and has affected our comprehension of the prehistory of Egypt. John Anthony West said us: “As if contemporary Egyptologists know more about ancient Egyptian history than the ancient Egyptians themselves. That's the standard height of academic arrogance”.
The Great Pyramid, Temple of Dendera, Nabta Playa, the discovery of the Ural map during the expedition headed by professor Chouvilov, the source maps of Piri Reis, Buache, Mercator, the mystery of Mohenjo Dharo. The Book of Death (Ancient Egypt), the RgVeda, the Vimanas are only a few traces of a lost civilization lived before the flood.
We must read the traces, the fingerprints of a Lost Civilization.
We are very interested to your book. Where can we found it?
Armando & Nico
I agree with you, all indications are that ancient Egyptian civilization is far far older than mainstream academia suggests. Moreover, it seems to devolve from the Old Kingdom through the Middle Kingdom to the New Kingdom until it finally becomes almost nomadic with most knowledge lost. This to me is another indication that the Great Year is real - and it is one of the main themes in my book. It is available at most major bookstores but easiest to buy at
It is possible that Zep Tepi means more than a simple Golden Age. It may be a reference to either the very first time Golden Age on earth - or perhaps a reference to an archetypal first time as it exists in consciousness. Given the fact that we are still in a relatively low age it may be difficult to answer this question, based on prevailing evidence. One thing is certain - time will tell.
Incidentally, some of the best hard evidence of a very high time on earth can be found in the stones at Gobekli Tepe Turkey, although they are still not properly understood.
CheersWalter Cruttenden
Walter Cruttenden - Binary Research Institute
4600 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, Ca.
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